Sunday to Thursday - 8am to 4pm
Friday and Saturday - CLOSED
[vc_row el_class=”about-block-1″][vc_column][bunch_about_us_2 title=”More About Us” sub_title1=”We Provide Most Proffesional Service” sub_title2=”Since 1990″ text1=”Dome Medical Company (DMC) is a new business structure subsidiary of United Medical Group (UMG), a leader recognized medical company in Saudi Arabia
operates & classified in different major medical field sectors. DMC is established purposely to concentrate & focus intensively in the representation & distribution of
medical devises in the Saudi Market. DMC will be driven by the huge & accumulated market experiences to operate steadily. Our experience in this field is more than 23
years, where we have acquired great contacts with many Doctors/Surgeons in different specialties.
DMC is formerly operated as a Medical Supplies Division at United Medical Group Company. Which deals primarily in the sale of medical and non-medical equipment,
medical surgical & consumables supplies specific to the healthcare industry. Major clients include reputable private sector hospitals, Ministry of Defense (MODA), Ministry of Health (MOH), National Guards Health Affairs hospitals, Universities & Research Hospitals & centers. Our highly professional team of marketing and sales staff and technical experts offer expert consultation to local healthcare Facilities on the latest innovations in medical equipment and supplies, supplemented by seminars conferences and workshops, with marketing and sales teams located in major cities throughout Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.” text2=”The mother company UMG was founded in 1990 with the aim of providing high quality healthcare services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Since 1990, the company
has built up an international reputation for managing and operating major healthcare projects and facilities. Implementing medical equipment and technology solutions, and providing a broad range of healthcare consultancy programs.
UMG has completed more than 600 projects, ranging from small multipurpose reviews through large regional and national assignments to major international
contracts in Saudi Arabia, Australia, United Kingdom, Bahrain, Lebanon, Qatar, Libya, Yemen, Uganda and Bangladesh.
DMC has its own Philosophy & Pioneering ideas to strongly contribute in the currently upgrading development process of the Saudi healthcare through
building bridges between prominent international manufacturers of medical products with the latest state of – the – art – technology and kingdom wide
hospitals which certainly have many positive impacts on the patients’ health standard.”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][bunch_call_to_action title=”Here will be any kind lorem ipsum heading” text=”There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have lorem” btn_text=”PURCHASE NOW” btn_link=”#”][/vc_column][/vc_row]