Opening Hours : Sunday to Thursday - 8am to 4pm

Sunday to Thursday - 8am to 4pm

Friday and Saturday - CLOSED

+966 12 6395963

Yunbu St, Alfaisalyah

Jeddah, KSA


26 Jul

Our Values

Our core values define what we stand for, how we conduct ourselves and how we interact with colleagues, customers, vendors, shareholders and others. Our core values are: Commit to service excellence Demonstrate responsibility and Accountability Continuous improvements Achieving common goals through teamwork

26 Jul

Our Mission

Supply medical solutions that are patient beneficial and user-friendly, ultimately contributing to the realm of health and medicine. Guided by employee development, customer satisfaction, integrity, flexibility, and Efficiency Employee development: Skills, knowledge, and opportunity for personal and professional growth Integrity: Following the rules and regulations Flexibility: Ability to adapt to different situations Efficiency: Make the

26 Jul

Our Vision

Fostering Healthcare excellence and serving the needs of patients to enhance quality of life